It is not an exaggeration to say that we offer unparalleled exercise instruction.  Our focus is equally on safety and results, allowing the client to maximize their time with the most efficient and effective exercise sessions imaginable.    

We ask our clients to perform their exercise movements in a smooth, deliberate manner.  Abrupt change of direction, bouncing, yanking, etc., are all methods used by the body (and mind) to make exercise EASIER.  Those same methods also place unnecessary strain on one's joints.  

Whether training through a full range of motion or splitting an exercise up into zones, our focus is always on accomplishing the task at hand - in this case deep muscular fatigue - in as brief of a time period, and as safely, as possible.  To accomplish this task, we use a wide array of tools.  High-end MedX and Nautilus machines, dumbbells/barbells, Bowflex, etc.  

The phrase 'there is more than one way to skin a cat' is fitting in this context.  We'd like to amend that phrase to the following: 'there is more than one way to skin a cat provided the tool/method doesn't cut one's finger off'.  In other words, don't let the choice of exercise tool/method of use cause injury due to lack of focus (client), improper communication (client/trainer), or poor instruction (trainer).   

In our eyes, the majority of fitness trends offer very little return when analyzed in a cost to benefit manner.  The attempts to make exercise into athletic events (crossfit, etc.) coupled with so-called ‘sports specific training’ are hazardous to one's joints.  This is inescapable: you will get hurt performing this type of activity.  Maybe not today or tomorrow, and maybe not even during a workout, but due to the weakening of your joints FROM said exercise, injury will occur.  You cannot escape physics.  There’s a reason most high-level athletes retire by their mid-30’s: due to overuse, their bodies no longer can keep up with their minds. Most of the general population over 40 has some aches and pains - why make them worse through poor exercise choices?

Plenty of people get in great shape training haphazardly - there’s still a benefit. But it comes with tremendous cost. And this is where 'the difference' is most often noted by our clients.  Instead of doing everything possible to make exercise easier, we try to make it MORE SAFE, which in turn makes it not only HARDER, but also MORE EFFECTIVE.